Travelling by plane for the first time

So, where to begin. The first day, when me and my friends, that were traveling to Finland together came to the airport in Zagreb, I have to admit, that my fear of height started to kick in, because it was the first time for me, that I ever flew with a plane.

The whole procedure, from coming to the airport and booking in, was quite long, to be honest. The longest part was waiting for the plane to come to the airport. And even when it came to the airport, we also had to wait, before we could board on the plane.

Anyway, if we put aside all of the waiting and boarding times, I must say, the flight was actually really good. Flying with a plane was not scary at all. The plane was really comfortable and there were only a few smaller turbulences in the air. So the plane was steady most of the time and the flight was very peaceful.

I really liked the flight from Frankfurt to Helsinki, because I was sitting at the window near the wing of the plane. The view of the outside world, from such a height, was just perfect. The sky was very blue and the clouds looked very fluffy. And all of the houses and trees were so little. You could see all of the things underneath you. On a certain height, where you could still see cars and people, I have to admit, that both people and cars looked like ants.



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