My first impressions / Moji prvi vtisi

It’s my third week here in Finland and now I can talk more about my first impressions. At first they were bad but after few days things got interesting. I met new friends and they showed us their culture and habbits. It would be idyllic if the weather wasn’t so bad. Here the weather changes quickly. Enough about the weather.

I admit, the thing I was scared the most was communicating in English. But the fear was gone after finding out that their English isn’t that good as well.

I was surprised by their work ethic. The pace is a lot more slower than we are used to, but they are more precise.

Really interesting to me was their culture and habbits. For example, on  weekends I noticed that the shops and stores are open til 8 pm. People don’t spend their free time in shopping centers and streets are empty. Even though the prices of drinks are really high, the pubs are crowded.

Na Finskem bivam že tretji teden, zdaj lahko zapišem moje prve vtise. Moji prvi vtisi na Finskem so bili slabi. Po nekaj dneh se je slika čisto spremenila. Spoznali smo nove prijatelje, ki so nam pobližje predstavili njihovo kulturo in navade. Vse skupaj bi bilo idilično, če nam ne bi godlo vreme. Vreme se tukaj spreminja iz ure v uro. Zdaj pa o vremenu dovolj. Opisal bom še druge vtise. Najbolj sem se bal komuniciranja v angleščini. Bojazen je bila odveč saj tudi oni ne blestijo v angleščini. Presenečen sem nad njihovim potekom dela. Vsa dela potekajo bolj počasi >>izi<< in natančno. Sem pa presenečen nad njihovo kulturo življenja. Kot zanimivost sem opazil, da so tukaj trgovine za vikende odprte do 20 ure. Ljudje nimajo istih navad kot mi, da bi večere ob vikendih preživljali po trgovinah kot mi. Ob vikendih, ko bi pričakoval, da bodo ulice polno ljudi ni nikjer nobene žive duše. Kljub visoki ceni pijač so lokali presenetljivo polni.

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