What have I learned / Kaj sem se naučil

Living in Finland changed me. I became independent and responsible, more confident in communicating with others in English and I learned quite a few new words. Through practice I learned how to fix car windows and complicated sinkholes with special tools that don’t damage the tinplate (sheet metal). Through comunication I learned few finnish words.

Z življenjem na Finskem sem se naučil samostojnosti in odgovornosti v življenju. Postal sem tudi bolj samozavesten pri komuniciranji v angleškem jeziku in se naučil veliko novih besed, ki so mi bile do sedaj naznaka. Skozi prakso sem se naučil popravila stekla in postopka popravila zapletenih udrtin s posebnim orodjem, ne da bi poškodoval pločevino. Z komuniciranje z Finci sem se še naučil nekaj finskih besed.  

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