The trip to a private university was mind-blowing

Our school had arranged, that we should visit a private university. It was a bit far from the city itself, in fact it was situated in a village nearby. Nevertheless, it being outside the city and in a village, it was way bigger than anything in Slovenia, also because the school has over three thousand students, studying there each year. We were excited to what we will see at the university.

The whole school, with its various courses, has a lot of various modern equipment for students to learn from. We had been shown some of the equipment, as we were having the tour around the place. Some of the places, that were shown to us, were the rooms for different media courses, that includes various different news style film sets, radio rooms and DJ rooms – for mixing music and making new songs. We were also shown various rooms for medicine related courses, like doctor and nurse. Them having various modern machinery, like X-rays, hospital sets, that included life like human dolls, for the students to practice from and monitoring rooms to monitor what happened to the patient, if they’d done something. They also had a court style room, we generously used to make a fun court scene.

The classrooms not being the only thing interesting on the visit, with the school having around three thousand students, they also have a lot of sport facilities, like a huge gym, fitness, a large poll, and an outside stadium, they can use, owned by the county. In one building they had was also a kindergarten for the neighbouring village. There were special rooms reserved for students scattered across the whole school, like rooms for student tutoring and group project rooms. The school also had a cafeteria, with them being generous enough, for paying us lunch, for all of us four and the teacher who came with us.

After we left the school and were going to the city, we were left thinking of how cool would it be to study at such a school. With its various equipment being available to the student, everyday would be a different surprise. But our wishes would quickly as we remembered a very important question, how much the tuition fee would be.

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