On Friday morning I got ready just like the usual and went to school with Chiara. Once there i heard that we dont have to go to class but insted we went to a classroom with computers.
There we saw a short video about the time we spent in Aversa and the memories we made. The video was great and short just like the exchange.
We also had to fill out a paper on the computer in a room way too crowded. Once we finished that we went to a palace. There we had our ceremony our last thing we needed to do on our programe.
We took some last photos of us all together becouse Germans were already leaving that same day.
Ater the ceremony we went bac home and decided to watch a movie Secret window. It was really good, but at the end of it we decidet to get ready to go out. We went to a local pub and ordered some coffee. Soon after that we went home to get dinner and after that we went back out to meet all of the people who were left from the exchange to say goodbye and wish them a safe trip.