Finland vs Slovenia

The school system is a bit diferent in Finland than in Slovenia. The Finnish system is said to be the best in the world.       Children in Finland go to primary school for 10 years. At the year of 6 they go to little school for a year, then 9 years of primary school. Their high school lasts 3 years. They make sure that young people get to know practical work in companies. We’ve got to see this system here on our exchance with Erasmus +. It really was a great experiance.

Living in Finland is more expensive than in Slovenia. Prices of clothing aren’t that diferent, but food is a lot pricier. If i compare Lidl, it’s more expensive in Finland. Significantly more expensive is real estate business and expences of living. Big taxes are put on cars and alcohol, so this things are much more expensive. But Finns do have bigger salaries.

The land where they drink the most coffee. The Finns are the biggest coffee drinkers in the world. One person drinks about 2,64 cups of coffee a day. A Slovenian person drinks about 1,64 cups a day.

Tredu school where i was going

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