Friday 24.3

This Friday has started as every other Friday, as normal we have woken up at 6.30, did our morning duties and went on work. Pathe has leaded us as every other day, part of it was with the metro, the second part was with the train and the third part as our morning walk. When we changed our clothes we went in to the workshop because for me and my mento the wark was already witng from previous day. So I have started working before our working hours. Before we colud finish work we already had our first break.After short rest we continioued workin. Before the launch I have also done two  services. After big lunch we continioued working to the end of the day. After a hard day we went back to the hotel in which we stayed to the evening. But because it was Friday our room mates wanted to go out in the city, we were too tired so we rather went to sleep.

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