Finns are not big small talkers, and quiet moments in conversations are not considered awkward. Silence merely means the person doesn’t have anything essential to say. If someone invite you to go drink with him you must go, becouse he or she likes you. When you get invited to a Finnish home, you know you’ll be meeting. Finns at their most genuine. You’ll not be expected to dress up. There’s nothing more Finnish than sauna, a way of life that is passed on from generation to generation. Besides cleansing both physically and spiritually. Finns are not the type of people who take to the streets when unhappy about things, but restricting their right to sauna. And they take sauna naked. Finland is a country of extremes and contrasts for example, cold and dark winters alternate with warm and light-filled summers. For some reason, Finns need to accentuate this by swimming in coldwaters while bathing in steaming saunas.
For food they usually have fish and some oatporridge, rice or potatoes. They always drink milk, non alcohol beer or water.
Finns are not like other European people. They don’t drink at the week. They just drink at weekend. But when they drink are really crazy and funny. They are really closed people, but in some time when you talk with them they become different. If you want to meet some girl is really hard. Becouse she want to know you first and she want to be gentleman to her.