Living in Finland as a foreigner coming from a small country like Slovenia is not so easy as they are much bigger cities, you don’t know the terrain and their culture. Many times you come across shops where you go to buy things for everyday life so that people do not know English well enough to communicate.

If you are abroad as a tourist and have a lot of free time you can visit various sights of this country, museums, cities, tourist spots … I must not forget to mention that Finland is also a land of thousands of lakes, so you can go on a beautiful sunny day in winter walk on the lake. I was already with a classmate and it was very nice because when we walked about 3 kilometers from the mainland, everything was flat around us, the sun was not too strong, it was wonderful. I was excited to experience something like this for the first time. I also saw on the lake that a skating rink had been made and quite a few people were skating. With classmates with whom we are on an exchange, we must also go and see the view of the two towers, which are very high. They also have a sauna here, which is by the ice lake. First you go to the sauna then to the ice lake and then back to the sauna. This must be very exciting as there is a big temperature shock. They also have a barbecue there so you can bake Finnish sausages. Here in Finland they have very different types of sausages, but the most traditional is blood sausage, which we may go to try one day.

I could get used to living in Finland quickly, and I would spend a little more time getting used to their language. If I lived here I would also have to get a job here because they have higher price standards.

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