Traffic in Denmark is very calm and relaxed. I was very impressed that people don´t stress out as much as we do abou other peoples driving.
I also noticed that big majority of people are driving small or middle sized cars, and I think that is nice. I think there is less crashes in Denmark beacuse people are not in a hurry. The roades are also very well mainteined.
Some of the smaller cars that are driven mostly are Kia Picanto, Volkswagen UP,Suzuki Swift and some other smaller cars.
There is also a lot of hybrid cars and I think the subsidy for electric or hybrid cars are 2x bigger than in Slovenia
When we were walking through the city there waren´t a lot of people in cars, beacuse they rather take a bike or go for a walk. After 5pm you can barely see a car beacuse after work everyone goes home and stays home with family,kids…
I think it´s wierd that people park cars on the sides of the road and they don´t get a ticket or even their car towed
Trafic rules are the same in most European countries so Denmark has similar rules to Slovenia.