Color screen printing

Last week on Monday Ria (coordinator) promised to show us how to do color screen printing. On the weekends me and Tinkara draw or find a pic that we want as screen printed.Then on Monday she showed us the process of it. The screen for the print was already made, so the first thing we did was put some color layer. Then we let that layer dry in dark place. While that was drying Ria printed our picture on the plastic see through. After an hour or two, we took our screens and pictures down to a different room where they had a special light for it. She put my picture on the screen print turn on the light and we left. After 12 mins, we came back to get it. When I first looked at the screen, nothing changed, but Ria told me that we should wash it. After a wash I could see a difference and saw my picture that I wanted to print. After that I just took a piece of fabric and printed with black color on it.

I decided to go with my grandma’s dog name: Kena, who died about a year and a half ago. That made her very happy.

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