Trescore balneario is a town , northern of Italy, with the population of 9,879 people. There are a lot of interesting sights for all ages too see for example at the free market in trescore there is a tower from the 13th century but there are many more sights to visit .
Monika Končar 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇫🇷Živjo. Sem Monika, obiskujem program izdelovalec oblačil. V okviru projekta EcoT sem se udeležila izmenjave v Saint-Pol-de-Léon v Francijo, pred tem pa sem bila na mobilnosti v Madridu v Španiji ter v okviru projekta Y-Job na izmenjavi v mestu Trescore Belnario v Italiji.