Description of the foreign town and country / Opis tujega mesta

Mikkeli is a town and municipality in Finland. It is located in what used to be the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the Etelä-Savo region. The municipality has a population of 54 606, around 34 000 in the town itself and covers an area of 2548.46 square kilometres of which 424,7 km2 is water.

Mikkeli was the site for the headquarters of the Finnish armed forces during World War II. In recognition of this, the town’s coat of arms incorporates a pair of crossed Marshal’s batons, and the town was awarded the Cross of Liberty, 4th class, to be displayed with the coat of arms.

Municipalities that surrounds Mikkeli are Hirvensalmi, Juva, Kangasniemi, Mäntyharju, Pieksamaki, Puumala and Savitaipale .

The centre of Mikkeli is located on a low rise, near the shore of a bay of Lake Saimaa.[12] There are several small lakes in and around the town. The lakes of the eastern parts of the town belong to the water system of River Vuoksi. In the west the town reaches Lake Puula that belongs to the water system of River Kymijoki.

The mayor of Mikkeli is Timo Halonen and he was elected in spring 2015.

Mikkeli je finsko mesto v provinci Južni Savo na obali jezera Saimaa. Je glavno mesto vzhodne Finske regije. Občina pa premore 54.606 prebivalcev, samo mesto nudi dom okoli 34.000 prebivalcem in je 23. največje mesto na Finskem.  Velikost občine je pokrito z površino 2,548.46 kvadratnih kilometrov, od tega 424,7 km 2 je vode. Mesto Mikkeli je zapisano tudi v zgodovino saj je med drugo svetovno vojno bil glavni sedež finskih oboroženih sil. Zato ima mestni grb par prekrižanih palic maršala in križ svobode.

Mikkeli meji na sosednje občine Hirvensalmi, Juva, Kangasniemi, Mäntyharju, Pieksamaki, Puumala in Savitaipale .


Središče Mikkeli se nahaja v nižinah, ob obali zaliva jezera Saimaa. Obstaja več manjših jezer v in okoli mesta. Jezera v vzhodnih delih mesta pripadajo vodnemu sistemu reke Vuoksi . Na zahodu je mesto doseže jezero Puula, ki spada v vodni sistem reke Kymijoki .

Trenutni župan mesta Mikkeli je Timo Halonen. Izvolili so ga spomladi 2015.

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