Tuesday, 28th of March / Torek 28.3

Tako kot vsako drugo jutro sem tudi danes preoblekel in odšel v delavnico. Do prve pavze smo imeli zelo malo dela. Po pavzi po smo dobili avdia na katerem sem odstranil odbijač in za njega z mentorjem naredila nov kos nosilca. Zatem sva še poravnala zadnji bok. Zadnji dve uri smo pospravljali delavnico saj se je najavila inšpekcija za jutri. Pozorni smo morali biti tudi na roke trajnosti barv in jih zavreči. Veliko pozornost je bilo treba dati tudi na čistočo saj smo morali pobrisati in pomesti celo delavnico. Po končanem delu sem odšel domov kjer z ostalimi sošolci skuhali kosilo. Po kosilu smo odšli v vsak v svojo sobo pisati še predzadnje vtise na Finskem.



Like every other morning, today I woke up and went to the workshop. Till lunch break there was not much work to do. After lunch we had to take a bumper off the car (Audi) and with menthor we did new pylon holder for a bumper, we streightened the rear side of a car. Last two hours we cleaned the workshop, because the inspection called and announced the visit. We had to check all the dates of expiration on the tin colours, and throw away ones with expired dates. We mop the floor and clean all surfaces. After work I went home where we cooked lunch. Everyone ate, and went to their own rooms to write the impressions of Finland.

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