Would you stay here?

Moi ( Hei )

I was thinking that half of the excange in Finland is already behind us. It goes by so fast that I can’t even believe it. I meet a lot of new friends here and learn something new every day. It feels great. I like Finland because of the Christmas spirit , because the first snow already fell yesterday, which I like very much.

Today, we visited the open days at the Jamk college. We went on a tour of the school and a presentation of the logistics department. They have a lot of robots there that make work easier for the worker. They work with them by drawing the computer where it should take the object and so the robot moves the object from one box to another. They have bigger ones and smaller ones, the smaller ones can move smaller things and the bigger ones can move objects weighing up to 40 kilos. At the presentation, I really liked the strollers that you drive with an app on your phone. They are very practical and cost somewhere between 20.000 and 30.000 euros. They also have a program on the computer where you draw the path the robot will follow. The building is very beautiful and large, with many classrooms and of course, students.

Here, the professors from the college suggested that we come to study in Finland next year. I like the idea, but I wouldn’t move away from home for such a long time.

See you soon,

Alja Cencelj


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