Last day of our trip. We woke up early in the morning after short sleep. We prepared our suit cases and all needed for a trip back to Slovenia. After breakfast Tomas came to pick us and take us to railway station. When we arrived to Helsinki airport we met others students from SIC Ljubljana. Because we had more than two hours to spend we sherd our stories and play some cards. Fly between Helsinki and Warsav was really nice. We have enough time for everything. But like always in our story is never like it sims. For every good think there is one bad. For balance. After we arrived to Warsav we found our geat and because we didn’t have a ticket we ask one of stuffs where we can get them. But she said that we don’t need them. You will get them when it will be time for boarding. When we came there we couldn’t pass by the entry. Guess what… because we didn’t have tickets. How surprising. After some hard words exchanged we finally made it on a plane. From there on nothing can go wrong…right. Not in our case. When we were flying above the Slovenia you get the filling how beautiful Slovenia really is. And it is a shame that we don’t appreciate
this. For the cherry on top of our cake. They also forget our cases on Warsav airport. But I forgot everything when I fell in hug whit my family.
Da se bomo pa vsi zastopili bom pa zaključil v Slovenščini.
No pa je napočil čas, da še jaz uradno zaključim tole našo dogodivščino. Skupaj z Ano, Anejo in Jako, smo preživeli štiri tedne, nepozabnih izkušnje na Finskem. Marsičemu smo se morali prilagodit. Z to izkušnjo, smo postali, tudi kanček bolj samostojni. Včasih smo se kregali, malo tudi jokali, a večino čas se je iz našega apartmaja slišal smeh in (prečudovito) petje. Včasih tudi malo preglasno. Tudi v primeru kakršnih koli, ne željenih situacijah, nas je vedno združevalo pozitivno razmišljanje. Neglede na vse, mislim da si bomo to izkušnjo vsi zavedno zapomnili v lepem spominu.
Ja nč toj use iz moje strani…..ČUZKE
Timotej Baloh